Empowering students for a brighter future.

Supporting education and innovation.

Mission Statement for CNY Tutoring, LLC:

Our mission is to inspire students to want to learn, to provide the tools necessary to learn, and to launch students into the world of learning, through high quality personal, and small group, tutoring services. 

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The term “teaching” implies one person has knowledge which he/she may impart to another person - the passing of information from one individual to another.  It suggests passivity on the part of the recipient.  But “learning” is the absorbing of knowledge, and the application of that knowledge to one’s own life.  Far from being passive, the act of learning requires active engagement on the part of the recipient.



Tutoring employs one-on-one and small group sessions to provide that personal interaction so necessary for inspiration.  We develop personal relationships so we can recognize when a client is struggling with material and can determine the correct pace for that client’s learning.  



I have been tutoring students in math, biology, chemistry, and physics for the last 7 years.  With an undergraduate degree in biology and a PhD in Plant Physiology, I have developed interests in plants, animals, and microbes, as well as a strong interest in environmental science.  I find tutors with a deep love of learning so they can inspire your child to achieve his or her goals.



The most influential teachers in my life were those I perceived took a personal interest in my well-being. I strive to follow that model.  Tutoring, at its very best, is a relationship between the students and the tutor in which the tutor is a mentor, encouraging personal betterment through education and sharing the tutor’s knowledge with others.


Need a math or science tutor for a high school or college course?  Having a problem keeping up?  Want to get ahead?  We’re here to help!  Contact us!  We can help you get that “A+” you are looking for, or that higher score on your PSAT, SAT, or GREs.  We have highly qualified tutors who can help you achieve academic success.


Providing an Online

Classroom for Students

Finding the right space, technology and learning platform are key ingredients to your success. Our goal is to provide the tools for you to succeed. Our interactive learning platform is a great way to begin the journey!


Support for Learning

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.




(315) 427-8291